by Recharge

Experience the beauty of finding calm amid strength in our Group Pilates Classes

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Take this class if you're totally new to Pilates. Take a moment to strengthen your muscles while clocking in a good stretch and improve your flexibility. The reformer provides support and resistance for active stretching, giving you a good burn while ensuring your muscles feel rejuvenated with all the tension relieved.


Get ready to go through a challenging series of exercises that incorporate functional movement patterns to strengthen, tone, and firm your muscles. This class is ideal for those who are comfortable building on the basic skills and techniques learned in Stretch class.


Designed for those who want to explore their boundaries and build on the foundations developed in Stretch and Tone class. These classes are created to challenge you through different load and spring tensions with the use of various Pilates props, long holds and elements of cardio sprinkled throughout.


Get ready for a high-energy, full-body Pilates workout that will get your heart pumping and your core burning. Combining dynamic exercises on the Pilates Reformer with the use of weights, this will definitely end on a high!